Friday, May 30, 2008

you want some morrrreee????


Unknown said...

he's absolutely right

Unknown said...

Whaaaat? You think you're playing The Alphabet Game? And you call yourself college grads? Eli, I'm surprised at you!

In the Real Alphabet Game, the letters, in alphabetical order of course, need to be initial (what kind of blog is this - you can't even italicize a word) letters; that is, they need to be at the beginning of the word or series (singletons are okay). E.G. ("for example"), if you're looking for E then Exxon would serve, but not Shell. The single exception to this rule is the letter X. I.E. ("in other words") Exxon would serve here, too. Q is easier than you'd think; everything is "Quality" these days.

I don't recommend this game for the interstate, esp since you're not allowed to use license plates in the Real version. The interstate is for travel versions of Battleship, Yahtzee, Cribbage, Checkers... not to mention Pocket Simon (blinking lights! beeps! oops - requires batteries!) but I suspect you didn't stock up on those babies. Well, Wall Drug probably has em...

Whoa, news flash - the rain has stopped for 5 minutes. I better get outside and weed. And the grass is now 8" high - you boys do know how to mow, right? It's one of our fabled activities out here in Oregon. California has surfing.