Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On The Way!

Well, we have shipped out of Boston and are a little over an hour into our journey.  This car is quite full.  I am currently sitting in the back left seat and can hardly see Drew sitting across from me.  We have wireless in the car (courtesy of Verizon) and have been rockin' Pete's video camera early and often.  
We took our first wrong turn already, exiting prematurely off the Mass Pike.  This was followed up by our first blatantly illegal move as we quickly realized the mistake and pulled a quick U-turn in between a couple cones.  Nice.
It is hot as HECK in this car.  Good thing we have plenty of room to spread out.*  Next stop, Cooperstown.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

careful with your illegal moves, 1 more strike and marshall gets sentenced to life in whatever state you're in... here's hoping South Dakota!