Sunday, June 1, 2008

I LOVE YOU Wisconsin! Colon! Colonial Foot Solider!

"Sexy. Lingerie. Videos. DVDs. Organic Smoking Products. Pure Pleasure!"

Ah yes, here we are driving through Minnesota and we are graced with this flashing sign.  That about sums up which part of the land of 1000 lakes we are in.  

Madison was awesome.  Colin's house is a kid's paradise with a front yard full of hammocks, swings, a basketball court, and a tree fort.  We had beautiful weather both days as we saw Prince Fielder go deep and Ben Sheets weave a gem in the Brewers victory. 
Today the Hararis cooked us a breakfast of omelets, pancakes, bacon and strawberries.  We did a little more planning of the rest of our trip and headed to the Shorewood neighborhood pool.  Met up with some of Colin's high school friends and played a hardcore game of water basketball--my wrist is still feeling it and I gave Colin a pretty good elbow to the face.  Drew did a series of 1 3/4 flips and squirrel dives off the diving board.  As much exercise as we've gotten yet.  
We got some lunch at State Street Brats and grabbed some ice cream at the UW Union before we headed back to his house and packed up our things.  His parents insisted that we bbq with them tonight and stay as long as we wanted--pretty doggone tempting, but we knew we had to get on the road, so we resisted the urge and said our goodbyes.
Madison is gorgeous right now and is a cool area with a bunch of young people.  

Off to Sioux Falls.  We just stopped to get gas and Rezzie very nearly overshot the driveway to the gas station.  We swerved and skidded to avoid the ravine.  Had we gone into it I'm pretty sure it would've looked remarkably similar to Drew's swan dive in first attempt during the slam dunk contest last night.  Good god it was one of the funniest things of all time.  Similar attempts were caught on camera.

We are staying (hopefully) at the Red Roof Inn in Sioux Falls.  I called to make reservations and they said they were completely booked, but we found rooms online for cheap at the same one, soooo we booked it anyway.  

The Cow game has escalated with such endless farmland here.  Rezzie was mounting a furious comeback until he very unfortunately identified a group of three tractors as ten cows.  Ouch--the negative points gave a serious blow to his total.

Badlands and camping tomorrow.  Oh and Wall Drug.  B-b-b-booyah!


1 comment:

It was all a Dream said...

Yo dawgs when are we gonna get a running diary of Resnick behind the wheel? Gotta include a snooz-o-meter that keeps track of how many "naps" big Rez takes while driving the party wagon.